contsert pictures
15 years ago by Hannaliis 1 comment
As I promised, here are some picutres of the Sundays concert.Me with the littles dancing the banana dance:7 brides: ...
teeth gap - good or bad?
15 years ago by Hannaliis 5 comment
The gap between two teeth is called diastema, and it isn't 'fixable' with braces. So when one wants to get rid of it, the only way is to go on a surgery. But...
dance dance dance
15 years ago by Hannaliis 0 comment
On Sunday we had a performance in Nokia Concert Hall (I've been dancing folk dance about 10 years now). Nokia is so big, I think it may be the biggest concert hall in...
Paris, je t'aime
15 years ago by Hannaliis 1 comment
OOh, Paris, the dream city... I've never been to Paris, but I so so so so so much want to go there. It seems to be the-best-city-in-the-world. fantasticSome beautiful pictures of Paris: ...
say hello to my new babies
15 years ago by Hannaliis 0 comment
I just bought those lovely beige ballerinas from zara. I'm so happy about them, they are really girly and ..well, perfect. ...
15 years ago by Hannaliis 0 comment
hehe, This blog has been watched over 10 000 times, how cool is that. I'M REALLT TRULY HAPPY ABOUT IT! thanks everybody!photo from Elle italy ...
kids in America
15 years ago by Hannaliis 2 comment
wilde kim singing kids in America:This post is dedicated to Kim Wilde, whose song 'kids in America' is just phenomenal!!!Today I visited Maarja :) and we started making our collection.(on 14 of May...