
lykke li

15 years ago by Hannaliis 6 comment
I have no memory. I’m like a goldfish. So Ionly see things that are ahead, I’d need some time to dwell on that and Ihaven’t had the time to do that yet.-Lykke Li...

open backs take over the world!

15 years ago by Hannaliis 10 comment
So now I'll show you what I bought yesterday.1. These chunky heels - 1.6 euros (25 EEK)2. One shoulder summer blouse - 0.5 euros (8 EEK)3. scarf worn as a (turban style) headband...

chloe girl

15 years ago by Hannaliis 7 comment
wearing: H&M shorts, Gina Tricot body, Mango sunglasses, second-hand heels, bag and earrings. (these shorts look a lot like Chloe's)Today I visited second-hands!! got some cool clothes, I'll later show you guys! ...

hello, my loves

15 years ago by Hannaliis 6 comment
So I'm back from the country. It was awesome (except the facts that I twisted my leg and got stung twice from a bee). first three days I spent with my best friends...

again Zenit

15 years ago by Hannaliis 2 comment
Pretty happy this time, photos look great in my opinion. hope you like them too :)This week I'll be at the countryside. No internet, no noise, no nothing...just good friends and hopefully lots...

resort 2011

15 years ago by Hannaliis 3 comment
So basically I looked over many many resorts 2011 (of course not all of them, there are so many designers on style.com). First I was pretty disappointed, because I didn't find anything amazing...everything...

powerful pink

15 years ago by Hannaliis 5 comment
Huh, these photos, love love love. Soo beautiful! No words needed... ...